Feel For Your Life - Resource & Community App

Your Best Resource for Breast Health Advocacy

Feel For Your Life was created by a breast cancer survivor to be the best app for learning how to do self breast exams and helping users become breast health advocates.

The Feel For Your Life app allows you to set reminders, helps you track your progress and lets you join a private support community. It's the first of its kind created by a breast cancer survivor who found a malignant lump while doing a self breast exam.

"I have to thank Dan Hafner for all of his help and support. There would not be a FFYL app if it wasn't for everything he's done. He set me up with the tools and platform I needed to learn and excel, and he was always there when I got stuck!

If you want to make an app for your business, or you're looking to incorporate forward-thinking technology into your brand, I'd highly recommend getting in touch with Dan. He is easy to work with and very accommodating! Dan understands industry trends and is committed to finding solutions to help you in your overall mission, vision and strategy."

- Jessica, Feel For Your Life Founder

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